Newly Wed
On October 3 at 6 pm I stole Amy German from the ranks of the single women and made her my wife in a ceremony officiated by Joe Jolly.
It was a difficult wedding to plan and a lot of the invitations didn’t make it out to many people we would have liked to have there.
Unfortunately, it was not possible to have everyone we love with us, but we knew they were there with us in spirit. They were not only in our thoughts on that beautiful day, but more importantly they were with us in our hearts.
I would like to thank again all the family, friends and co-workers who did so much to make the wedding happen.
I would like to apologize to all the bachelors out there for making Amy my wife as I have now dashed many hopes. The following verse says what I feel about my Amy. Not my words but rather what I feel to be true.
I love your childlike quality,
Your sense of wonder,
Your enthusiasm for life and love
I love the way you understand me
Better, than anyone I’ve ever known.
The way you’re always thinking of things to make me happy
I love the fun we have together
The way you can always make me laugh
Just when I need it most
And I love the way I am when I’m with you
I see things more clearly
Through your eyes and your touch
Makes me feel everything more deeply
I love discovering the inner you
That other people never see
And the more I discover, the more I find to love
I love you simply because you are you
That’s why I know for the rest of my life I will always be in love with only you