Cree schools failing our children

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This is just an idea that I think the Nation should try writing about. My son attends the elementary school here in Waskaganish. He is in Grade 1 French. Since he has been attending the school it has been nothing but violence between the students. My son comes home almost every day with scratches, bite marks and bruises on his body – mostly the face. I have been complaining to the school about this behaviour that my son has endured and yet nothing has been done.

Today my son came home with another scratch on his face and the teacher did nothing. My son told me that in the past his teacher called him a brat. On another occasion, there is a woman who was just a replacement, who has been harassing my family for some time now and she had the nerve to call my son names while in school. I took this to the school and yet again they did nothing! At this time she is still working there even though I told them what she is doing to my son.

I am so upset and outraged with our school system and yet no one brings up the topic or seems to care. If we want our youth to do something in life and succeed we need to change this now! Anyone can drive by the school and find more than half of the students standing around outside smoking and just simply hanging out. And get this – they get a passing mark because they showed up!! This is crazy! Take a look at the schools in the cities, every student is in class – there are rules!

I know what you’re thinking, we try to put rules in place at the schools and they don’t work! YES, I know we put them there but we need someone who is just as motivated to reinforce them…these kids need this NOW!

The way I see it, the school system is failing our youth. Then you have the teachers saying it’s the parents. This can go back and forth and can go on forever.

Something needs to change. I am being forced to keep my child out of school, but this is not fair and it must stop. I am considering moving because of this. I refuse to put my 4-year-old daughter in school. I really hope that the Nation considers looking into this topic and opening up the eyes of the Cree Nation. After all we always say, “Our youth are our future.”
I also wish to state, I want to remain anonymous.

Thank you.

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