No editorial
This issue of the Nation doesn’t have an editorial. It’s not that I have nothing to say but rather no time in which to really say it well.
Other matters have occupied my mind and time. On Thursday, November 17 at 5:05 pm, my wife Amy German delivered Hunter Donald Joshua Nicholls. He weighed 6 lbs. 15 ounces and greeted the world lustily. I was present and like any father overwhelmed with the experience.
As any father will tell you, sleep is a precious commodity when you have a new life you’re responsible for, as well as taking care of the beautiful person who carried and cared for this new being for the last nine months. So Hunter has been my focus and I would like to thank everyone who has supported, helped, given advice and generally been there for us both in the present and in the past nine months. There are too many to name here but we are grateful for everything you have given. You have all shown us such love and caring that we feel blessed that we have such amazing friends and family.
Amy and I thank you for sharing and making this one of the best experiences of our lives..