Moving day blues
It’s been a hectic couple of weeks. Anyone who has moved and changed addresses recently knows what I mean. Everything starts out well and follows a well-thought-out plan. But as they say about the best-laid plans of mice and men, they often go awry. I found lost items from the last move and lost them again, possibly in the same dark corner as the items from this move that I still can’t locate.
I haven’t yet sorted through all the boxes but am doing the best I can. My biggest helper – and challenge – is my almost four-year-old son, Hunter.
Anyone one with young kids knows what I mean. You can’t deny their assistance without repercussions and tears. All of your most kid-dangerous belongings are somehow easily accessible no matter how much you try to hide them. Every fragile item you own is an object of interest to children of this age.
As a result, I have no real editorial position this week. I could talk about the Canadian federal elections and the American-style attack ads but I have no desire to join in the battlefield at this time. Let the Conservatives, NDP and Liberals do their thing. Kudos to the other parties for staying out of it.
I could give a thumbs-up to the Montreal police for signing on to an initiative on Aboriginal murdered and missing women. They deserve praise for their willingness to address this and other Aboriginal issues. It’s a significant step that surprised a lot of people – and is a new beginning for Montreal police to interact with Aboriginal Peoples on a basis of understanding and respect.
I could talk about how the Board of Compensation/ CreeCo Golf Benefit raised $43,000 for Willie’s Place in Val-d’Or and what it means to the people who need it so much. You know many Cree and non-Cree supported giving a helping hand to those in need.
There are a lot of things I could have addressed but moving took up most of my time and energy this past week. Strong opinions will be back and running next issue, when my back has healed from carting a home’s belongings to and from the moving truck. Thanks for understanding.