Category: Rez Notes

Free-range slaughter

Free-range slaughter

Recently, a young Inuk woman started plucking her gift from home, a goose, on a train in Montreal’s métro. This was recorded on a cellphone and uploaded to the Internet. It went viral for all the wrong reasons. Eventually, the […]

Whapmagoostui love

Whapmagoostui love

You know you’re getting old when everything turns into “a moment.” Every beautiful scene, cool breeze, old song, a certain smell turns emotional and it is in that split second that time stands still. I’ve been having a lot of […]

Melting the pounds

Melting the pounds

Nemaska reached 35 degrees C during the recent heat wave and it was simply divine. Flew to Waskaganish for a meeting and had an amazing time with Fran, Clark, Sheila and Red (thank you for the tea and bannock). My […]

Life is like a…

Life is like a…

Long ago, before Facebook and email, before television and radio, before we knew what a university was or an outside place to get schooled without being taken away by force or trickery, there was the hands-on training method. This was […]

Joshua’s laws of summer fashion

Joshua’s laws of summer fashion

I’d like to begin with shout-outs to everyone at Peawanuk, Attawapiskat, Kashechewan, Fort Albany and Moosenee Factory (combined) and finally, Marina Lebrun in Timmins, Ontario. Air Creebec flies into all these places and carries this wonderful magazine. I have never […]

Spring bounty

Spring bounty

Another roar around the big screen as the Habs score again, officially announcing the spring season with a sunny playoff forecast and a decent probability of a Stanley Cup. I was a few hundred metres from home as the cheers […]

Goose break memories

Goose break memories

After weeks of meetings, endless texting and sympathetic “likes” on Facebook, I graciously agreed to an invitation for a weekend goose hunt in Alfred, Ontario. “The Colony” was one big happy family. I was greeted with hugs and confused questions: […]

Things to ponder

Things to ponder

It was during the middle of the viewing of the movie King Kong that we, as children, met fear head on. In the mid 1960s, in the darkened great auditorium of Horden Hall in Moose Factory, that we got our […]

Ashes to ashes

I have decided that my remains will be cremated after I pass away. I signed my name on the dotted line to donate my organs to science, or to a cooler. Whichever, I want my delicacies to keep thriving and […]

Mashable potatoes

There’s a lot happening these days and sometimes I wonder when all the doom and gloom will go away and something nice will happen. Perhaps it has a lot to do with the immediacy of the worldwide reaction to just […]