Category: News Editorial

Hungry? Eat the rich

Fans of Xavier Kataquapit’s column – Under the Northern Sky – at the back of our biweekly book might be a tad surprised by the passion he uses this week to take to task those who always jump on stories […]

A look back

This will be the 17th Christmas the Nation has shared with its readers. It still feels like only yesterday that we put out our first issue. That was on December 1, 1993. Our launch party in Montreal included fiddlers from […]

The Cree Quebec relationship is at a crossroads

Recent events raise questions about the relationship between Quebec and the Cree Nation of Eeyou Istchee. An independent report mandated by the government condemned Quebec for its failure to honour its obligations to the Cree Nation in its 2001 legislation […]

That time of year is upon us

I remember this story from my youth. I thought it a sad story. Like any young person I felt that people should never pass by someone in need. Of course, this was re-enforced by the Cree way of life. I […]

Back to the bunkers

Public. It’s a simple word, only two syllables, but sometimes people have a hard time understanding what it means. Consider the term “public corporation.” Used in this way, it means that a company is owned by the citizens of a […]

Newly Wed

On October 3 at 6 pm I stole Amy German from the ranks of the single women and made her my wife in a ceremony officiated by Joe Jolly. It was a difficult wedding to plan and a lot of […]

From the colonized

Then: “Our objective is to continue until there is not a single Indian in Canada that has not been absorbed into the body politic and there is no Indian question.” – Duncan Campbell Scott, Head of the Department of Indian […]

Remembering Albert

It was with a great sense of loss when I heard of Albert Diamond passing on. Albert was more than just a wonderful person; he was always so kind and considerate to all that we always welcomed seeing him at […]

Doctorate for Philip Awashish

I can’t think of a single Indigenous person in Canada who more deserves the accolade of an honourary doctorate bestowed on him by McMaster University than Philip Awashish. It has always amazed me that he has never been honoured by […]

Election 2009: missed opportunities, new hopes

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. That hackneyed refrain could be the slogan for the recently concluded election for Grand Chief of the Crees that returned Matthew Coon Come to power after a 10-year absence from active […]