The Assembly of First Nations held another “election” last month; one that does not represent the voice of the 700,000-plus Native people who call Canada home, which just reminds us that a major change is needed. The faulty way the […]
Category: News Editorial
On the campaign trail
It was a long debate in Chisasibi that ended at 5 am. It was a good test both of endurance and the willingness of the Cree population to really get to know the candidates. It also points out a problem […]
Nisga’a matriarch fearful of Indigenous people’s disappearance
Nisga’a matriarch Mercy Thomas, also known as Nisibilada, has issued a remarkable statement warning against the sale of Nisga’a lands, held in fee simple ownership under provisions of the Nisga’a treaty. This idea of putting Aboriginal lands into a status […]
Election 2009
Here we are again. The fight for the most powerful office in all of Creedom begins. The names and faces are all familiar from campaigns past, albeit with a few more lines on their faces. But what’s important is that […]
National Aboriginal Day
It’s the longest day of the year though some may wish it were shorter. That’s because it’s National Aboriginal Day and segments of the population just wish Canada’s Aboriginal population would just disappear and be assimilated already. It is a […]
More just hair
I know when people looked at this story they wondered what all the fuss was about. The story concerned a teacher’s aide in Thunder Bay, Ontario, who last month cut the hair of a First Nations student. After cutting the […]
Dear Mr. Robert Kanatewat
This is in response to your letter sent to me and included in this issue. I will say at this moment we have no record of you attempting to contact the editorial board or myself regarding the editorial by Boyce Richardson published […]
Quebec’s 12-step solution
It’s been nearly a decade since Ouje-Bougoumou has been faced with evidence that mining residue in its territory poses a toxic risk to food animals and human health. As the Nation details this issue, the community’s frustration with inaction by […]
Nine years too long
Unfortunately the presses wait for no one. But the buzz of what happened in Oujé-Bougoumou March 31 will no doubt be making the rounds in the Cree communities. On that Tuesday, community members gathered to hear about the report, “Screening […]
Cree Grand Council not fulfilling one of its mandates by hiring non-Cree filmmakers
I’m kind of sorry that the Cree filmmakers from Rezolution Pictures were not chosen to make a four-part history of the Crees that is being financed by the Grand Council of the Crees. It’s not so long ago that the […]