I was born to a strong, proud, indignant Indigenous woman. She came from a long line of strong, proud, indignant Indigenous women. They spent their whole lives fighting to ensure we, as Indigenous people, inherited a kinder, gentler world. They […]
Category: News Editorial
It isn’t unusual for me to write about intolerance but it is normally about mainstream people and their issues with Canada’s First Nations. Every now and then I get reminded that it isn’t a one-way street. In this case it […]
Into the fog
Whapmagoostui is the northernmost Cree community and isn’t accessible by road. The only ways to get to Great Whale are by boat and plane (or by skidoo, snowshoeing and dogsled in winter). Air travel is the only regular way to […]
Electoral reform
This year’s elections for Grand Chief and Deputy Grand Chief was handled differently than in the past. There have certainly been many changes over the past decades in the way we choose our leaders. It’s only been since the 1970s […]
Joshua Grant
May 15, 2015 – July 4, 2017 It is with real regret we say goodbye to Joshua Grant. I remember when Joshua strolled into the Nation office looking like he had just finished modeling for a portrait of Jesus. Long […]
Be heard
This is our last opportunity to encourage you to participate in the Cree Nation Government elections in Eeyou Istchee before the first round of voting on July 12 (advance polls are on July 5). Not all people need that encouragement […]
Change and continuity
Every year the Nation enters stories we have published over the previous year in the Quebec Community Newspapers Association awards competition. Usually, it is the individual writers, photographers and designers who are honoured, but the awards we receive are all […]
Constitutional closure
The Cree Governance and Constitution package finally received approval from the Waskaganish Band Council on May 24, almost two months after every other Cree community had assented to the groundbreaking agreement. It was almost too late to receive federal government […]
Political leadership
Politicians have a hard path to walk at times. Just mentioning the word politician carries a negative vibe. Many of us don’t see those in elected office as having integrity and accountability. However, they are necessary to any democracy as […]
Happy anniversary?
In his piece about a totem pole erected on May 1 in front of Montreal’s Musée des beaux-arts as part of the city’s 375th anniversary celebrations, Nation writer Dan Isaac gives us an interesting quote from the totem’s carver, Charles […]