Category: News Editorial

The $80 Indian

The $80 Indian

Like many non-Natives in North America, I can point to at least one First Nations ancestor. My great-grandfather, Charles Augustus Fry (pictured here at his wedding with Edna Eaton), emigrated from Oklahoma to Western Canada in the late 1890s. He […]

The wrong arm of the law

Once again Quebec is pushing a policy without taking the time to address how it will affect First Nations in the province. You might think the Quebec government has a collective form of Alzheimer’s disease given the forgotten lessons of […]

The lasting power of the local press

When we look at the state of newspapers today, it’s tough to see much of a bright future for hard-edged journalism. Everywhere we look, large metropolitan papers are downsizing, losing vaults of money, switching to online-only editions or going out […]

The identity parade

We’re about to head into national holiday season, as we get heartfelt appeals to all our various identities. First off, of course, is National Aboriginal Day, June 21. Three days later, on June 24, Quebec celebrates its “Fête nationale,” la […]

A tale of two communities

Charles Dickens in A Tale of Two Cities opens his novel with: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch […]

Survival, dignity and well-being

43) We call upon federal, provincial, territorial, and municipal governments to fully adopt and implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as the framework for reconciliation. – Truth and Reconciliation Commission The United Nations Declaration on […]

Uncle Jean’s suicide solution

Many people think of former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien fondly, as the slightly embarrassing aging uncle who means well, but from time to time gleefully puts his foot in his mouth. Asked once about the liberal use of pepper spray […]

The great forest giveaway

Anyone who’s flown over the southern stretches of Eeyou Istchee has seen the vast clearcuts. Bare land as far as the horizon, with little lines of trees perhaps two or three thick bordering lakes and rivers. It is devastation on […]

For crying out loud

The new Liberal government’s first budget was presented to Parliament March 22 to high expectations from First Nations across the country. Despite reservations in some quarters, it was generally well received. AFN National Chief Perry Bellegarde felt it was “a […]

‘I think heroic deeds were all conceived in the open air’

Editor’s Note: In the spirit of Walt Whitman, the following editorial should be taken as a guideline on the use of executive sessions by our band councils, Cree Nation Government, Cree-owned businesses, Cree government commissions, boards or entities – as […]