Community Violence

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This letter is a response to the article in a recent issue of the Nation (Vol. 15, No. 22). Here are my comments and opinions of what happened to me.

The way I see life in my community has changed knowing that we have serious cases of mental and emotional instability portrayed by our local teenagers (boys/girls). Their anger and frustration with daily life have escalated to a level where they show no remorse for their actions. Who do we attack when this sort of situation grows in our communities?

The teenagers – who I had some respect for as human beings – have now changed too, like everyone who has their own mental and emotional problems. They knew who I was and I knew them, at least that is what I thought. I have mixed emotions about the ordeal. What did I do to them? The question lingers in my head, if they have no remorse whatsoever of what they did… some even bragged about their actions to one of my brothers and uttered threats at the same time.

I am a victim who received a 2×4 blow to the jaw that caused severe fractures in three places. I am lucky they didn’t crack my head open at the same and I am able to watch my kids again playing in puddles of water after a rain shower and take them sliding when it is possible. In a way it made me realize that life is precious and how important I am to my children (my two-year-old son and three-year-old daughter). My wife tells me that every day I was away our children were always looking for me around the house when they would come home after daycare and school. Yes, I do have that kind of relationship with them and with the help of god I will not let that slip away nor will ever be naïve believing I am safe in my own community.

What to think of the teenagers involved? I really do not know at this time. Two of them are close cousins of mine – talk about family issues. I never realized they had anything against me. The group of the so-called “NWO” of Nemaska tend to make a reputation for themselves by attacking people who are drunk and cannot defend themselves. It was no accident. They have similar incidents on acts of violence as the one they put me through, except I received the most vicious of all attacks as of yet.

What will the community do when one day they learn that this group has killed someone? The group had a gun incident in the community and what was done about that? Nothing and I have no idea, why? What kind of idiot would believe these kids accused of carrying guns in our community and for someone to actually defend them saying they were in the middle of their hunting activity. Now who goes out hunting at midnight? Is there a record involving these kids about that incident or was it just scrapped? Will they keep on walking around like they have done nothing wrong in this community? Like always let’s just wait until somebody winds up dead attitude.

That very same night some of these boys assaulted our local police officers. What did the police do? I don’t know but an assault on a police officer is very serious. I don’t think it is a good idea to let them have that power or feeling they can get away with anything they want. It’s time we do something about it because who would have known if no one came around to help me when I was down. Who knows how far they could have gone?

Now what do I do if I want to socialize with my friends again, do I have a right to be scared? I would be scared if they always had a 2×4 at hand to attack anyone or me. Do I now have the right to carry weapon to defend myself? What do I do when they attack in a place where no one is around and thus saying being surrounded by a bunch of kids aiming to hurt me. Do I plead for my life or do I break a few kneecaps to defend myself? I know these kids have threatened my family and even one of them bragged about the 2×4 incident. Honestly when is a young offender going to be responsible for their actions on that level of assault with a deadly weapon. We have heard of young offenders charged as adults. Why not this case??? Maybe it would have, if I wound up dead, right?

I believe the system should change regarding young offenders who have no respect for the law and the well being of other people and property. The community should not turn their back and ignore when something like this happens in the community. I for one will not let this slip that easy, I have taken the first step but others have to help in making something happen. People may be asking themselves does this guy have revenge in his mind? Of course, and the best revenge for me is getting these kids a real taste of the justice system. I just hope our community can wake up and see it was not only me that would have been robbed of life but also my kids and family.

It was nice to be welcomed home by many of my friends and some who never ever said hello walking down the streets of Nemaska. Yes, coming home is great, being able to see my friends, family and, best of all, my children.

John Blackned, Nemaska

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