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This is to express my excitement after reading the article written by Amy German, entitled “Cree Youth Going Global” in your January 14, 2011 issue of Nation (Vol. 18, No. 5) which features the story of Charley Wash [CNYC’s Youth Forum coordinator’s] “Cree World Youth” project.

I am hoping to read more about his project in future issues of the Nation, as l and my students will want to be updated concerning the progress of this wonderful opportunity for our youth! lt was so edifying to them that one of our young people wrote to me and asked if we could take up a collection so that he and three other young people could go to Africa to help the poor children! Doesn’t that just warm your heart!

In our current “ME, FIRST” generation, these young ones are looking for what is “real” and after working with young people for nearly 20 years I can tell you that for them, “real” is love. Stories like this tug at their hearts and give them hope. I agree with Mr. Wash and I believe that in spite of the sad history of their ancestors, which they hear about on every turn, they will begin to direct their focus outward, reaching beyond their own spheres to help others in need.

Given the most uplifting message of this article and also that of the article in the same issue written by the same author, “A Life-Changing Adventure”, your magazine has captured my attention as an educator of First Nation youth.

I wish to compliment the photographers, Helen Voyageur and Joshua lserhoff and Nation’s photography team of Amy German, N. Diamond, W. Nicholls, and D. Valade for having the insight to bless the use of Helen Voyageur’s amazing Lion on the cover of this issue.

The youth of this Nation are reading what you print. In Media Literacy, they are being taught how to discern what is real. They can detect “bias” in journalism. I am looking forward to reading more “positive” stories that show adults and young people being strong and “doing exploits”.

These articles were most inspiring! Well done, everyone!
Ronda Potts, OCT

Literacy Coach,

Bear Island, Lake Temagami


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