I believe
Global Television and Postmedia News had Ipsos Reid look at how the average Canadian views the relationship between the Canadian government and Aboriginal Peoples. It is no surprise the poll said that most Canadians believe Aboriginal Peoples are well treated. They even believe Aboriginal Peoples receive too much from the Canadian government.
I have no doubt that many Canadians believe that wholeheartedly. They have been told that myth time and time again. Each time any Canadian government spends any money concerning Canada’s Aboriginal population a press release goes out to show how well they are treating Aboriginals.
It receives notice in the media while the United Nations’ concerns over the disparity between mainstream and Aboriginals do not receive the same consideration. Press releases by Aboriginal Peoples, whether it be local or regional governments and organizations, are rarely seen in the media.
After all, we know no one likes to think of themselves, and by extension their government, as doing less than the right thing. Thus many Canadians believe that Aboriginal peoples are getting what they deserve and more from the government. The poll said two in three (66%) strongly or somewhat agree that “Aboriginal Peoples are treated well by the Canadian government”. So in these days only a third of Canadians (34%) disagree that the Canadian government treats Aboriginal peoples well.
While any Aboriginal person may tell you different, it is obvious their side of the story is not being heard. Support for independent voices and viewpoints are at an all-time low in Canada. You merely have to look at the post-secondary student protests in Quebec to understand the depths of how Canadians feel. While the red square has gone worldwide in its support, at home draconian laws designed to suppress constitutionally protect rights have been enacted with widespread support.
It extends to Aboriginal Peoples as a majority of voters believe that Aboriginal peoples receive too much support from Canadian taxpayers. Nearly two in three (64%) agree that “Canada’s Aboriginal peoples receive too much support from Canadian taxpayers”. Almost four in 10 (36%), however, disagree (11% strongly / 26% somewhat) that Aboriginal peoples get too much for the government.
Of course, people in different regions across the country believe this to varying degrees. Quebecers (75%) and Albertans (73%) believe this in the highest numbers, followed by residents of British Columbia (69%), Atlantic Canada (65%), Ontario (60%) and Saskatchewan and Manitoba (54%). Canadians across the land believe Aboriginal Peoples receive too much support from Canadian taxpayers. The poll said that of people from: Alberta (79%), British Columbia (74%) and Saskatchewan and Manitoba (69%), Quebec (66%), Atlantic Canada (59%) and Ontario (55%).
Support for Aboriginal Peoples in every country seems to follow a cycle of ups and downs. This latest poll shows a downward trend in Canada that is one many Aboriginal peoples should be concerned with. Given the historical governmental actions and responses during these cycles it is something to worry about. That is what I believe and know to be true, based on the truth rather than just something spin doctored.