Continuing the tradition of large community gatherings, many Eeyou communities hosted celebrations to ring in the New Year. And while every community handles their celebration differently, the family friendly events usually involved some combination of music, dancing, fireworks, games, contests, […]
New paediatric guidelines say to start risky foods early and often
March 1, 2019 at 4:55 pmThe Canadian Paediatric Society is now recommending the introduction of foods such as peanuts and eggs for at-risk children as..
Indigenous singer iskwē shines in Montreal
March 15, 2019 at 3:23 pmHer full traditional name – Waseskwan Iskwew – translates as Blue Sky Woman. But iskwē believes she has come from the stars. The..
New-look Rupert River Cup tournament provides thrills and surprises
March 29, 2019 at 3:56 pmChanges to the format and scheduling at this year’s Rupert River Cup made for exciting game play at the hockey and broomball..
In The Issue
The Nation’s youth correspondent on the holidays
The holidays are a time to spend with family and friends. Joyful gift-giving, beautiful decorations… it’s wonderful. This is why the Cree School Board funds student travel costs for the holidays so they can see the people they missed while […]
State of the Cree Nation 2017, Grand Chief Abel Bosum
Though Abel Bosum is less than a year in to his four-year term as Grand Chief of the Cree Nation, he’s seen quite a lot in a short period of time. From the signing and implementation of the Cree Nation […]
Cree leadership looks back at 2017, hopes for 2018
Kaitlynn Hester-Moses, Youth Grand Chief What was your greatest moment or achievement (professionally) in 2017? The greatest moment and achievement of 2017 is successfully completing our 28th Annual General Assembly for the Youth in Mistissini. It was my first important […]
The Nation’s Year in Review
Jan. 6, Quebec Premier announces the independent public inquiry into the treatment of Indigenous people by certain public services Jan. 20, Wildlands League alleges De Beers failed to report properly on mercury levels surrounding Victor Mine near Attawapiskat Feb. 3, […]
After decade-long struggle, the Kijaté Indigenous housing project nears completion
A ceremony held June 21 at the Val-d’Or Aboriginal Day celebrations commemorated the Kijaté Project, a social housing initiative aimed at creating affordable housing for Indigenous families living in the Val-d’Or area. But it was a long time coming. According […]
Delilah Saunders in recovery from acute liver failure
Delilah Saunders is a fighter. An artist, an author and a composer, the Inuk for Labrador is also an activist on behalf of Indigenous women. It was no surprise that Saunders was awarded the 2017 Amnesty International Ambassador of Conscience […]
Centre of the hockey universe
Hockey players and fans from across Eeyou Istchee descended on Val-d’Or as the 37th Annual CREE Senior Hockey and Broomball Tournament rolled into town for four days, November 30 to December 3. The city briefly became the Centre of the […]
MMIWG inquiry criticism overshadows education, finance agreements at AFN gathering
Despite a rocky start, chiefs at the annual Assembly of First Nations winter gathering held in Ottawa December 5-7 agreed to move forward on “historic” deals on finance and education with Canada. “We’ve made gains, but challenges remain,” AFN National […]
The decline of the woodland caribou is everyone’s responsibility, says Grand Council
The Grand Council of the Crees (GCC) is calling on every member of the Cree Nation to do their part to protect a dwindling herd of woodland caribou. In a recently adopted resolution, the GCC condemned caribou hunting in Eeyou […]