• First Nations hockey team gets NHL treatment from St. Louis Blues

    First Nations hockey team gets NHL treatment from St. Louis Blues

    March 29, 2019 at 3:59 pm

    A young First Nations hockey team enjoyed the NHL treatment earlier this month, courtesy of St. Louis Blues star Ryan O’Reilly. The First Nations Elites AAA Bantam squad were invited by O’Reilly and his mother Bonnie to spend the day with members of the Blues before taking in the action at the Canadian Tire Centre as St. Louis..

  • Compensation for Indian Day School survivors could be delivered by late fall

    Compensation for Indian Day School survivors could be delivered by late fall

    March 29, 2019 at 3:55 pm

    After 10 years of struggle, Indian Day School survivor Garry McLean missed seeing justice done by three weeks. McLean, the representative plaintiff in a class-action lawsuit representing students at the schools, died February 19 – just before he could attend the signing of an agreement with the federal government to settle the..

  • First Nations cultivate community laws on cannabis

    First Nations cultivate community laws on cannabis

    March 29, 2019 at 3:52 pm

    In Canada’s rush to legalize cannabis, many First Nations felt that there was inadequate consultation and preparation regarding issues such as revenue sharing, regulatory control and taxation. Some have chosen not to wait for provincial governments to dictate the terms of cultivation, sales and distribution. Listuguj Mi’gmaq..

  • Dawnland documents the Maine-Wabanaki Truth and Reconciliation Commission

    Dawnland documents the Maine-Wabanaki Truth and Reconciliation Commission

    March 29, 2019 at 3:50 pm

    According to some First Nations legends, hope and justice begin in the east – where dawn’s light first reaches Turtle Island. This is one underlying theme of the award-winning documentary Dawnland, which recently screened at Montreal’s Concordia University as part of the Cinema Politica series. The film follows the Maine-Wabanaki..


New paediatric guidelines say to start risky foods early and often

New paediatric guidelines say to start risky foods early and often

March 1, 2019 at 4:55 pm

The Canadian Paediatric Society is now recommending the introduction of foods such as peanuts and eggs for at-risk children as..


Indigenous singer iskwē shines in Montreal

Indigenous singer iskwē shines in Montreal

March 15, 2019 at 3:23 pm

Her full traditional name – Waseskwan Iskwew – translates as Blue Sky Woman. But iskwē believes she has come from the stars. The..


Aren’t they our best friends after all?

Aren’t they our best friends after all?

March 1, 2019 at 4:40 pm

Those eyes again! The same as last week. Piercing through the brush, watching. We have all seen them around – the wandering,..


New-look Rupert River Cup tournament provides thrills and surprises

New-look Rupert River Cup tournament provides thrills and surprises

March 29, 2019 at 3:56 pm

Changes to the format and scheduling at this year’s Rupert River Cup made for exciting game play at the hockey and broomball..

In The Issue

International Day of the World’s Indigenous People

Fifteen years ago, the General Assembly of the United Nations declared the 9th of August “International Day of the World’s Indigenous People”. It is a crucial event for Aboriginal people around the world, celebrated every year by the international community. […]

Algonquins Protest with AFN Chief Atleo for Education Rights

The Algonquin community of Kitigan Zibi held a rally on Highway 105 in protest of the chronic underfunding of First Nations education, particularly for on-reserve schools. New National Grand Chief Shawn Atleo protested in solidarity with the community. Residents took […]

Donald Marshall, R.I.P.

With a heavy heart, we mourn the passing on Donald Marshall (Sept. 13, 1953–Aug. 6, 2009), a man who stood up for his rights as an Aboriginal. In 1971, the 17-year-old Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq was wrongly convicted of a murder […]

Lower prices with a new road?

Matthew Salt of Waskaganish responds to the comment in the “To pave or not to pave” article (Vol 16, Issue 20) about linking lower-priced consumer goods with the building a road to Whapmagoostui. “This reasoning was talked about in Waskaganish, […]

APTN turns 10

On September 1, the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN) turns 10. The anniversary will be celebrated with a 90-minute special, called Milestones, Memories and Moving Forward, which will be broadcast on that evening at 9pm. Starring Lorne Cardinal, the show […]

Cree School Board holds election run-off

The August 12 election for Cree School Board chairman has resulted in yet another run-off election this summer. Since there was a tie for second place between Alfred Coonishish and Reggie David Neposh, they unanimously decided to challenge Gordon Blackned […]

Space Indian

We’ve all stared into space and wondered what it would be like to be up there in the cosmos looking down at our planet. Only a handful of individuals have had that kind of experience – and one of them […]

Empowering art

The Native Friendship Centre of Montreal (MFCM) has a fantastic youth centre called the Inter-Tribal Youth Centre of Montreal (ITYC) which boasts a stone-carving room and a music room as well as being well equipped to carry out numerous activities […]

Nemaska Fitness Challenge 2009

Imagine how well our grandfathers would have done in Nemaska’s Fitness Challenge. They were able to paddle for miles a day, portage over hills and valleys, swim across fast rivers and rush lengths across their hunting grounds in snowshoes and […]

Maestro please!

John Kim Bell has lived many lives. The Kahanawake native is known for creating the National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation in 1985, which started up the National Aboriginal Achievement Awards in the 1993. Bell is also a composer, who has scored […]