• First Nations hockey team gets NHL treatment from St. Louis Blues

    First Nations hockey team gets NHL treatment from St. Louis Blues

    March 29, 2019 at 3:59 pm

    A young First Nations hockey team enjoyed the NHL treatment earlier this month, courtesy of St. Louis Blues star Ryan O’Reilly. The First Nations Elites AAA Bantam squad were invited by O’Reilly and his mother Bonnie to spend the day with members of the Blues before taking in the action at the Canadian Tire Centre as St. Louis..

  • Compensation for Indian Day School survivors could be delivered by late fall

    Compensation for Indian Day School survivors could be delivered by late fall

    March 29, 2019 at 3:55 pm

    After 10 years of struggle, Indian Day School survivor Garry McLean missed seeing justice done by three weeks. McLean, the representative plaintiff in a class-action lawsuit representing students at the schools, died February 19 – just before he could attend the signing of an agreement with the federal government to settle the..

  • First Nations cultivate community laws on cannabis

    First Nations cultivate community laws on cannabis

    March 29, 2019 at 3:52 pm

    In Canada’s rush to legalize cannabis, many First Nations felt that there was inadequate consultation and preparation regarding issues such as revenue sharing, regulatory control and taxation. Some have chosen not to wait for provincial governments to dictate the terms of cultivation, sales and distribution. Listuguj Mi’gmaq..

  • Dawnland documents the Maine-Wabanaki Truth and Reconciliation Commission

    Dawnland documents the Maine-Wabanaki Truth and Reconciliation Commission

    March 29, 2019 at 3:50 pm

    According to some First Nations legends, hope and justice begin in the east – where dawn’s light first reaches Turtle Island. This is one underlying theme of the award-winning documentary Dawnland, which recently screened at Montreal’s Concordia University as part of the Cinema Politica series. The film follows the Maine-Wabanaki..


New paediatric guidelines say to start risky foods early and often

New paediatric guidelines say to start risky foods early and often

March 1, 2019 at 4:55 pm

The Canadian Paediatric Society is now recommending the introduction of foods such as peanuts and eggs for at-risk children as..


Indigenous singer iskwē shines in Montreal

Indigenous singer iskwē shines in Montreal

March 15, 2019 at 3:23 pm

Her full traditional name – Waseskwan Iskwew – translates as Blue Sky Woman. But iskwē believes she has come from the stars. The..


Aren’t they our best friends after all?

Aren’t they our best friends after all?

March 1, 2019 at 4:40 pm

Those eyes again! The same as last week. Piercing through the brush, watching. We have all seen them around – the wandering,..


New-look Rupert River Cup tournament provides thrills and surprises

New-look Rupert River Cup tournament provides thrills and surprises

March 29, 2019 at 3:56 pm

Changes to the format and scheduling at this year’s Rupert River Cup made for exciting game play at the hockey and broomball..

In The Issue

Selling Cree Water to the U.S

The Montreal Economic Institute has just published a new study that shows how the province of Quebec could make billions selling water from the north to the United States. The study’s author, F. Pierre Gingras, a former hydroelectric power engineer […]

Justice digs in

Cree justice is taking on a new face in the Cree communities of Mistissini and Waswanipi. Shovels hit the dirt and politicians and bureaucrats got their hands dirty breaking ground for new justice centres for the two communities on July […]

H1N1 Virus hits Aboriginal Communities Harder due to Younger Population

According to Audrey Lawrence, the director of the Aboriginal Nurses Association, the H1N1 virus, also know as swine flu, has been hitting Aboriginal communities harder as the virus tends to affect the youth more severely. As over 50% of Canada’s […]

British Co-Operative Creates a Fund for Alberta Cree Sue Over Tar Sands

The Co-operative Financial Services have set up a fund of almost $100,000 (£53,000) to back the Beaver Lake Cree Nation in their legal battle over their traditional lands which are being developed for tar sands. United Kingdom residents are also […]

New Report shows that 69% of Manitoba Inmates are Aboriginal

According to a new Statistics Canada report, Aboriginals account for over half of Manitoba’s prison population. The report, released on July 21, looked at adult prison populations from April 1, 2007 to March 31, 2008 and showed that while 69% […]

Ontario Regional Chief Angus Toulouse re-elected

Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Grand Chief Stan Beardy expressed  congratulations on behalf of himself and the NAN Executive Council to Angus Toulouse following Toulouse’s re-election as Regional Chief of Ontario July 8. Beardy made a statement at the All Ontario […]

Bar Robbery in Radisson

In the early hours of June 29, at approximately 1:50 am, three armed masked men entered Bar le Boreale in the heart of Radisson and held the barmaid up for approximately $3000. According to the Sûreté du Québec in Radisson, […]

Barriere Lake still at odds?

The federal government knew there could be problems when they recognized their favourite band council over another. In the latest round of attempts to resolve this problem, the Algonquin Nation Secretariat (ANS) funded former Liberal MP Keith Penner to act […]

Health and well being on the ice

For five weeks this summer the youth of Mistissini will be treated to a regimen of hard work and healthy living as they take part in Westlake Hockey Development summer camp for six weeks. Co-founder and director Carl Michaelson, who […]

Getting to know the AFN candidates

Chief Shawn (A-in-Chut) Atleo and Chief Perry (Okemow Peeasew Awasis) Bellegarde may be from different walks of life and represent different political ideals but what they do have in common is a desire to become National Grand Chief of the […]