Cute dresses and winter toques flashed here and there as swarms of people squeezed through the open doors of Joy Ottereyes Rainbow Memorial School (JORMS) on April 27. The smell of turkey wafted through the bright hallways, and an acoustic […]
Post Tagged with: "Eeyou Istchee"
Constitution stalled as Waskaganish Chief wants more time to study proposal
Every Cree community band council but one – Waskaganish – has now passed a resolution supporting the proposed Cree constitution and governance agreement. Despite a community assembly and band council meeting called to address the issue April 13, the band […]
CNG responds to Moose Cree motion supporting Canada and Ontario in land claim
The Moose Cree have filed a motion in Ontario Superior Court against the Cree Nation Government (CNG) land claim that seeks to have Canada and the province recognize Aboriginal rights and title for the Quebec Crees on a portion of […]
Goose Call Contest winners
The Nation would like to congratulate the winners of our annual Goose Call contest: Sophia Cheezo from Eastmain, Howard MacDonald of Wemindji and Chris Quinn from Mistissini. Each will receive a complementary “Goose Break” custom goose call made by Recall […]
Two-day expo highlights Wemindji’s Tawich Development Corporation
Almost three decades ago, the Cree Nation of Wemindji band council founded a corporation that quickly became the economic driver of the community. From gas to groceries, one can hardly step foot in the community without being serviced by Tawich […]
Cree Justice organizes conference for front line workers in Mistissini
The Department of Justice and Correctional Services (DOJCS) hosted the “Hear, Listen, Understand” conference March 28 to 30 as a means for frontline workers throughout the Cree Nation to learn, network and reboot. Offering training, practical information, professional collaboration and […]
Googoo gaga
I was gurgling and making strange guttural noises as my eyes rolled about horribly. And as I approached the pouting one, he cracked a smile and emitted a chuckle. Phew, I was finally making progress. My little one-year-old grandson has […]
Snowmobile racing with Reggie and Trevor Bosum
The 2017 snowmobile-racing season closed out on a high note in late March with the running of the Oujé-Bougoumou Snowmobile Challenge. Featuring cross-country races in four categories – Pro, Sport, Women’s and Beginners – the Oujé-Bougoumou Snowmobile Challenge brings together […]
Norman Hawkins: 1946-2017
It was with great sorrow that I learned Norm Hawkins passed away on February 22. Norm was a man I respected as a straight talker. He never sugarcoated a situation. He never got rich off the Cree people but worked […]
Snowshoe tales
My little moccasins crunched quietly in the snow, following the tracks my mother made ahead of me. I was pulling a tiny sled laden with a precious load of vaccines. Trudging along to the next house, we finally made it […]