I can fluently speak my Cree language and I know how to survive on the land. I owe these skills to the fact that I grew up surrounded by my parents and Elders in my home community of Attawapiskat. How […]
Post Tagged with: "family"
Neemis Jackie
I don’t get the chance to visit with my family often these days. We are all live far apart and lead busy lives. We talk on the phone but it is not the same as being able to sit with […]
Mooshoom’s snow scoop
I enjoy carpentry, woodworking and construction. I like building things, renovating my home and learning how to use new tools. I like to think that I have a knack for figuring out building or construction problems on my own. It […]
Christmas memories
Ah, the night before Christmas and all through the houses children were fighting not to go to bed in the hope of seeing Santa. At least that was the excuse my five-year-son Hunter was giving me. He wanted to talk […]
Demanding real justice for missing and murdered Indigenous women
“Two years,” observed Idle No More organizer Melissa Mollen-Dupuis, speaking about the mandate of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. “That’s two years of women dying, women disappearing, young girls being put into pimps’ hands […]
Road hogs
“Yes, I’ll take the baby car seat and GPS options please, plus the take-it-to-the-max insurance,” I tell the tall, young, professional-looking man at the car rental counter. In short order I had my pick of colour and finish. Two hours […]
The faces of hope
This summer I have had the pleasure of being visited by some of my family members. It made me realize how things have changed back home in Attawapiskat. I see those changes in smiling faces of hope. My nephew Philip […]
Rite of passage
I’m adjusting my tie and checking for any missed beard stubble. A quick shower and shave gets me ready in about 15 minutes. It’s just a matter of finding some good socks to go with my George dress shoes and […]
Remembering a mother
My mother, Susan Kataquapit, passed from this world on July 23 at the age of 73. My brothers and sisters, her many grandchildren and great-grandchildren are feeling the loss of our matriarch and the connection to our traditional past. She […]
Sisters of the 60s Scoop reunited
Nakuset, the director of Native Women’s Shelter of Montreal (NWSM), is well known for her work to support women’s rights, fight racism and raise awareness of First Nations culture for authorities and children in care. Much of the motivation for […]