We’re about to head into national holiday season, as we get heartfelt appeals to all our various identities. First off, of course, is National Aboriginal Day, June 21. Three days later, on June 24, Quebec celebrates its “Fête nationale,” la […]
Post Tagged with: "First Nations"
Powwow Power – Montreal’s urban event finds its feet
“There’s people here from all over the world,” marvelled Pow Wow Montreal organizer Al Harrington, an Anishinaabe from Ontario who now lives in Kanesatake. “I’ve talked to people from Finland, Germany, Austria, France – even Indians from India!” Montreal’s third […]
Montreal Police practicing racial profiling?
“Have you had any issues with Aboriginal people?” This was the question that police officers in Montreal may have been going door-to-door asking residents of certain neighbourhoods. It happened at least once – and in a triumph of bad luck […]
The graduation trip
Elementary school graduating classes are heading out on special trips all over the country. I remember what a big deal that tour was for my classmates and I when we visited Toronto and Niagara Falls. Up to that point I […]
Letters of Hope – Eeyou Istchee launches writing campaign for Attawapiskat youth
An Air Creebec flight scheduled to land in the northern Ontario community of Attawapiskat May 21 won’t just be carrying the usual mix of passengers and freight. Organizers of a Cree letter-writing campaign are working hard to fill it with […]
The Beat of Tradition
As Indigenous people, we are living in an exciting phase in our history. We are expressing ourselves through art, music and literature in ways never been seen before. With this in mind, I recently decided to build my first hand […]
Survival, dignity and well-being
43) We call upon federal, provincial, territorial, and municipal governments to fully adopt and implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as the framework for reconciliation. – Truth and Reconciliation Commission The United Nations Declaration on […]
Lessons from Lac-Simon: Slaying of Sandy Michel by local police triggers search for answers
Debates and arguments continue to swirl around the Anishnabe Nation of Lac-Simon over what actually happened earlier this month when local police killed a community member – and how to avoid more incidents that have been all too common in […]
Mending economic relations – Val-d’Or reaches out to Native communities
The Val-d’Or Chamber of Commerce wants to mend the relationship with Aboriginal people, and recently issued a four-year action plan intended to keep First Nations money rolling into the city hit by a business downturn following last fall’s crisis over […]
Action needed to foster hope in First Nations
Suicide has always been an issue in First Nations across Canada. The problem recently exploded with reports of a suicide pact between 11 teenagers in my home community of Attawapiskat. There are many reasons young people in remote First Nations […]