As the last of the snow melts, it’s time to plan how to take advantage of the warm weather and time away from work or school. There’s a plethora of activities available to Quebecers. So if you’re planning a few […]
Post Tagged with: "Montreal"
Happy anniversary?
In his piece about a totem pole erected on May 1 in front of Montreal’s Musée des beaux-arts as part of the city’s 375th anniversary celebrations, Nation writer Dan Isaac gives us an interesting quote from the totem’s carver, Charles […]
Sensitization sessions for Montreal police
“Where are you from?” With those four simple words, Montreal police officers can learn to build bridges and avoid confrontation when coming in contact with members of the city’s Aboriginal community, which now numbers more than 26,000. That is the […]
2017 Hunting, Fishing and Camping Show
Every year I make a semi-sacred pilgrimage to the Montreal Hunting, Fishing and Camping Show to see what’s new in the tools that help a Cree survive. To be truthful I also go to see what new flavours and spices […]
Lemon Cree healing First Nations from coast to coast
Like a rolling stone that gathers no moss, Theresa Ducharme has once again reinvented the concept of her Lemon Cree business. She has created add-on products to improve the life and wellness of the people she has so diligently trained […]
Cruisin’ around the Montreal Auto Show
In a city known for its long commutes, endless construction and psychotic drivers, you’d think the last thing we needed on our streets is more vehicle traffic. But apparently not, as the 2017 Montreal Auto Show proved when it took […]
Christmas glow
It was near the end of office-party season just before Christmas many moons ago. I was rushing out of a well-known hotel in downtown Montreal into a nasty day, with the wind blowing snow twisters down the street and spinning […]
Montrealers organize to show solidarity with Standing Rock
Follow the money. That’s the message activists who oppose construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline through the Standing Rock Sioux reservation have for international sympathizers of the growing protest movement. In Canada, that means targeting the three large banks here […]
Demanding real justice for missing and murdered Indigenous women
“Two years,” observed Idle No More organizer Melissa Mollen-Dupuis, speaking about the mandate of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. “That’s two years of women dying, women disappearing, young girls being put into pimps’ hands […]
Tanya Tagaq wows crowd at Red Bull Music Academy
A shoeless Tanya Tagaq appeared from backstage and the crowd paused in anticipation as she approached the microphone. She greeted audience members in a high-pitched, soft voice, then turned and asked the band, “Are you ready?” The second the rhythm […]