Post Tagged with: "Ontario"

Northern Developments: Renard diamond mine and Wabun agreement

Northern Developments: Renard diamond mine and Wabun agreement

Quebec’s first diamond mine in Eeyou Istchee will work closely with the Cree Nation by Peter Wheeland Last month’s opening of Quebec’s first diamond mine launched a new era of resource development in the north, providing economic stimulus and ecological […]

Landlocked: Algonquins at odds over land settlement

Landlocked: Algonquins at odds over land settlement

Iroquois and Algonquin chiefs in Ontario and Quebec are denouncing as “fraudulent and illegal” a land agreement recently reached between the federal and Ontario governments and a group called the Algonquins of Ontario (AOO). The tentative treaty concerns approximately 36,000 […]

Road hogs

“Yes, I’ll take the baby car seat and GPS options please, plus the take-it-to-the-max insurance,” I tell the tall, young, professional-looking man at the car rental counter. In short order I had my pick of colour and finish. Two hours […]

Innovative Earthship project provides Six Nations with housing solution

Innovative Earthship project provides Six Nations with housing solution

An “Earthship” is currently being constructed on the Six Nations Reserve for a community member living in a crowded, rundown trailer. Fran “Flower” Doxtador has been on the Ontario reserve’s wait list for housing for over a decade, a reality […]

A tale of two communities

Charles Dickens in A Tale of Two Cities opens his novel with: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch […]

Correcting the lines of history: Cree land claim lands in Ontario Superior Court

Correcting the lines of history: Cree land claim lands in Ontario Superior Court

Rarely do straight lines define natural borders. But when the provinces of Quebec and Ontario were created in the 19th century, it was a simple decision to just slice through northern lands that held no meaning for the white politicians […]

Making Education a Priority

In recent conversations with several First Nation Chiefs in northern Ontario I learned that they are dedicating a lot of time and energy to make education a priority for Native people. I understand how important education is if we want […]