Working for each other
There is a time to laugh, a time to cry, a time to mourn, a time to rejoice. These are all very significant emotions in our lives.
As I write this column, I am learning a beautiful song by Vancouver twins Dani and Lizzy. It’s called “Dancing in the Sky,” which I have to sing in the morning at the Anglican Church in Wemindji. My arrival in this beautiful community – whose recycling plant is the smartest thing one community could invest in – was a bit sombre. You see, by the time you read this, we will have laid the remains of a 17-year-old woman to rest. It is so devastating and heartbreaking to see a young person leave this world so soon.
As I sat in the church tonight, husband-and-wife priests Rod and Lisa BrantFrancis seemed to have all the right words to sooth the broken-hearted. Every verse, every song was like silk. There was a sense of peace in that moment. It is in these sad situations where we, the Cree, come together as one and help each other. In every community I’ve visited, when something tragic happens we all pitch in and do our part as community members. We put our agendas aside and we start working to help our fellow Cree.
Just like it was in the past. We have not lost this beautiful trait and I think this is why we are close as a Nation. My hope is that we continue to stand together in these hard times as we move into governing ourselves. Let us be examples for our brothers and sisters, les Jamesiens, once they start working more closely with us.
By the time this issue hits the stands across La Meeyoh’shoo province, everyone would have congratulated each other for a job well done on the Cree Nation government milestone. The celebration may have subsided – or not. But look at North Korea, they have weeks on end of celebrations. Perhaps we should become North Creea. I kid.
Now is the time for all of us to get educated in this new system of governance. We still have time. The first thing you have to know is that Mayor Manon Cyr is the boss for two years and after that a Cree will take over forever. At least that’s my prayer.
Whatever the circumstance our Nation faces each day, either death or a historic milestone, each moment is embedded in our hearts and in our government. May we always have time for each other when we need one other. We are busy people and our Nation is growing like colonies of rabbits. Keep it growing, I am counting on you. Let us remember to take the time to deal with the things that matter most – our families.
I hope this finds you well and that you have stuck with your resolution(s). I am doing good nee wee. Results will show in June. Take care of each other.