Category: Updates

Working towards a Cree constitution

Working towards a Cree constitution

One of Canada’s most significant events took place on April 17, 1982, when Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and Queen Elizabeth II signed The Constitution Act, 1982, which finally gave Canada ultimate power over its own constitution. This was more or […]

Best of the James Bay survey results

Best of the James Bay survey results

The results of the Best of the James Bay survey we sent out a few months back are in! While we admit this is not a scientific poll, we are certainly pleased and very amused by the hilarious answers that […]

Standing Rock water protectors celebrate, prepare for long winter

Standing Rock water protectors celebrate, prepare for long winter

The original sacred fire at the Oceti Sakowin resistance camp was extinguished earlier this month. But for many, the fight is far from over. While people around the world rejoiced on December 4 when the Obama administration suspended the easement […]

Ultimatum at Standing Rock

Ultimatum at Standing Rock

For a movement rooted in peace, prayer and a people’s connection to their ancestral lands, the Standing Rock Sioux’s opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline has continued to face a shocking amount of violence at the hands of the Morton […]

Montrealers organize to show solidarity with Standing Rock

Montrealers organize to show solidarity with Standing Rock

Follow the money. That’s the message activists who oppose construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline through the Standing Rock Sioux reservation have for international sympathizers of the growing protest movement. In Canada, that means targeting the three large banks here […]

Checking in at Standing Rock + An interview with Comanche war chief descendant

Checking in at Standing Rock + An interview with Comanche war chief descendant

The events at Standing Rock – from police tactics, to celebrity support, to direct actions – have escalated since two reporters from the Nation visited the protest camp last month. In an October 27 raid on the Oceti Sakowin camp, […]

Still standing: Standing Rock resistance remains peaceful and strong

Still standing: Standing Rock resistance remains peaceful and strong

Opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline continues to grow at the Standing Rock reservation as the overflow of the original Sacred Stone resistance camp has additional encampments cropping up near the meeting of the Missouri and Cannonball rivers. Known as […]

Stand-off in Standing Rock – First Nations resistance to North Dakota pipeline is growing

Stand-off in Standing Rock – First Nations resistance to North Dakota pipeline is growing

Thousands of First Nations and activists have rallied around the Sioux of North Dakota in their opposition of the Dakota Access oil pipeline and joined the Sacred Stone resistance camp set up this past April. The camp is directed by […]

Quebec confirms it will not hold provincial inquiry into Val-d’Or allegations

Quebec confirms it will not hold provincial inquiry into Val-d’Or allegations

After a prolonged investigation into allegations of sexual and physical abuse against Indigenous women in northern Quebec by Sûreté du Québec officers, the Quebec government has now confirmed it doesn’t consider the scandal – which allegedly included starlight tours and […]

In Brief: Whapmagoostui energy project, Waskaganish Princess Pageant, Amos AAA tryouts

In Brief: Whapmagoostui energy project, Waskaganish Princess Pageant, Amos AAA tryouts

New power system for Whapmagoostui sports complex On August 10, Quebec announced it is giving $1.2 million to Nimschu Iskudow Inc. for a residual forest biomass project that will power the sports complex in Whapmagoostui. The project will swap out […]